Once upon a time in the bustling city of Toronto, a small group of dreamers decided to infuse the world with magic. Thus began the captivating tale of Humpty Dumpty Puppet Theatre.

Founded in 2008, our theatre embarked on a mesmerizing journey with the timeless classic, "Puss in Boots". Since then, we've enchanted audiences with over 1000s of performances, spanning from Toronto to Montreal, London, and beyond. Our repertoire is as diverse as it is delightful, featuring beloved fairytales, hidden gems, and even puppet concerts showcasing a myriad of characters.

Crafted with love and care, our handmade puppets and sets, coupled with original music and scripts, transport audiences into the heart of a live fairytale. At Humpty Dumpty Puppet Theatre, we believe in the magic of storytelling and the power of puppetry to ignite joy and wonder in the hearts of both young and old alike. Join us and discover the secret to children's happiness through the enchanting world of puppetry.

Slava Yasau

The Man Who Started It All.

Slava studied the art of puppets at the Belorussian State Academy of Arts. Then, he continued his education in St. Petersburg in Russia.

Being a professional puppeteer for more than 45 years performing in many Europenian countries, he was surprised to find no puppet theatres in Toronto and immediately decided to fix it. So he did!

The founder, art director, leading actor and main inspirer of our theatre!

Egor Yasau

If you ask him personally about his childhood, you will most likely hear: “I wasn’t too good of a student at school and even skipped classes sometimes!” So now you know why he didn’t manage to become a nuclear physicist but is making a brilliant career as the main villain in our theatre.

Speaking seriously now, practically being raised in a puppet theatre, studying classical music in two universities and having more than 20 years of experience in the music industry made Egor not only one of the lead actors of our theatre, but also an outstanding composer who writes music to most of our shows.

Olga Petrashkevich

When you spend your childhood at the backstage of an Opera Theatre and playing lead roles in children’s opera you simply can’t live without theatre anymore.

With professional musical education and over 20 years of artistic experience, Olga absolutely fell in love with puppets. And it’s mutual!

Valentina Srybnik

Dmitry Srybnik

Irina Popova

Yury Teslar

Maksim Yasau

Being born as the third generation of puppeteers he simply had no choice!

The youngest member of the group, the Humpty Dumpty’s voice and the main expert in kids’ opinion.

Our incredible artists, who create the puppets and decorations – Ekaterina Maryevich, Lidia Chalyk and Marina Michalkevych.

Our technical mastermind – Oleg Maryevich.

Web, print, lighting designer and sound engineer – Ilia Yasau.